Friday, December 3, 2010

Day 3..

A summer/winter full of pain from piney bmx on Vimeo.

This video was a hit on the Gadfly. There is actually an entire story behind the 2nd clip. Clayton and I had skipped school that day to go build at Dustins. We made an entire set from 6 in the morning to 1 pm. Then we rode our bikes to the skatepark to get some sick footage for the Crew video. I wound up busting my chin and he snapped his chain, neither of us could ride home. So he called up his brother Cory, Cory took us to Wal*mart so Jon could "buy" another chain and some allen keys haha.
Another one of my favorite clips is Jon doing a full blown body slam into the St. Joe wallride. He had already done it really high but I wasn't filming, so he went for it again and body checked it insanely hard.
Nick's infamous "ow my ass" clip makes an appearance.
Billy ate major shit at Hess about a day before Christmas, we then went home and made a grind box that eventually turned into the hip transfer on Josh's miniramp

I legitimately thought I tore my ACL on that first manual. 4 out of the 10 names don't ride anymore. A few of the clips happened on January 1st, I remember because we all just spent new years over Mike Romanelli's house and Cody Meyer almost died because he was pouring gasoline on an open fire. He then tried to fill a bucket with holes in the bottom with water to put it out, Mike and Kyle put it out and are now Volunteer Fire Fighters haha. Nick Byers had a Mexican stache at 1:32. Dustin's cousin Harry was down for a little while and blew all of our minds with his dirt steeze and tricks. I was hoping to get more footage with him and Dustin for the DVD but Dustin got hurt and Harry has been down in Florida. Notice the video was supposed to be OUT by April 2010...There weren't enough clips to even put out a half decent web video by then haha

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