Sunday, January 2, 2011

Nearly Finished

I finished all the sections of the video up about 30 seconds ago. The only things left to do are get in a day with Emdog, and then put the sections on a DVD. I don't really have an idea of when it will be completely done because I've never done DVD authoring before but I'm thinking sometime in the next 2 weeks or so.

I'm relieved to say this is the last big project I'm putting together for a while. I really hope everyone is amped on their parts, I did what I could with what I had. All of the clips off of the tapes look super shitty but I rendered and rendered and rendered until it looked decent enough. I'd like to thank everybody for filming with me over the past two and a half years and putting up with all of the unfortunate shit that has happened over that same period of time.

1 comment:

  1. your the man mike!! i really appreciate all the hard work you've been doing.. the videos going to come out great!


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