Sunday, October 24, 2010

Straight Trippin!

This weekend Mike S, Louis, and myself did a weekend trip up to NYC and North Jersey. We dodged some traffic, talked to old ass ladies, watched some Notorious B.I.G, got a couple flat tires, and we somehow happened to run into Bob Scerbo and got to kick it with him for a little bit. Besides for being one of the sickest street riders of all time, hes a mad down to earth earth dude and was cool enough to take the time to show us a couple spots. The next day consisted of some skate park shreddin and more goofing off . It was a pretty great time, and hopefully more of such trips will ensue.


  1. Any new footage of Louis and Mike S gets me hard downstairs

  2. Louis needs to come fuck me. Single?


Talk shit get hit