Thursday, September 20, 2012

A year has passed

I'm going to skip the sad introduction part because Gary would call me a Fag.

So I'll get right into it!

In the 5 years that I knew Gary D he had given me some of the best memories of my life.  Things that I know I will never forget, even if he hadn't passed away.  Driving to Northfield from Cape May one day he started talking about an episode of SpongeBob Sqaurepants.  I couldn't believe this rockin ass dude actually knew what spongebob was let alone knew specific episodes, we had a full conversation about fucking spongebob squarepants and what our favorite episodes were.  His was the one that featured the metal band Pantera, i will always remember that.

Another time, Gary, Jerm Kaufman and I were riding Ocean City skate park.  I had never seen him ride a park before but he was going higher on the hips than anybody I've ever seen at that place and it blew my mine.  I asked him if he wanted to film anything but he said "Nah man, my street cred is lowwwww and I don't want to give up what little cred I got"

Gary filmed a few clips for me, but one sticks out in my mind.  It was a rail in Cape May.  I kept taking bitch runs and putting my feet down as I was about to get on it.  All of a sudden I hear the most realistic chicken bawking noise I've ever heard in my life.  Fuckin Gary was making chicken noises at me because I was too scared to hit this rail.  My pride was hurt, so I turned around a crank at the rail got on it and slid the whole thing first try.  Gary was more pumped than I was..

I could easily keep going but I'll just stop with this last one.

I was dropping Gary off in Galloway after riding Pleasantville when I told him that Gettings and I were getting  a screen printer to make some Piney BMX shirts.  Again, Gary was more stoked than I was.  He was so down to help out and sell shirts, which just blew my mind because here's this dude that I look up too and he wants to hang out with me and make tee shirts for this tiny little crew from South Jersey.  He asked if we could print up Banned shirts on it and I said hell yeah as long as Ricky doesn't beat me up for using his logo.  He assured me he'd be cool with it and we laughed.

I definitely miss the hell out of Gary and I think about him damn near every day.  Every time I ride I ask myself if Gary would be stoked on what I'm doing.  I know he's just chillin for eternity, ridin some cloud trails and probably makin some clouds of his own..Banned in Peace brother!

Gary Dimartine from Piney BMX Apparel on Vimeo.

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