Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 5...

2005? Let's see...Nick Capaldi had a bright yellow haro, I was learning how to 180 with Richie, Louis Kerekes had a bike that weighed more than he did, Gettings was still a good ass dude, John Griffin's S&M black bike only had one coat of pain on it, Billy Brown lived in Berlin, Mike Staveckas had a 4 door Sedan instead of a monster truck, Josh Vodopija was popping wheelies at the Nesco Firehouse, Matt Mazzone was getting a handjob somewhere and Shmeagle was as big as a baby deer.

This video was a tear jerker..Filled wit great memories with the guys who taught me everything I know about bmx. At 1:41 I wish I could remember what Jon and Emory were talking about, but it doesn't look very comfortable. Tons of crashing and a lot of stuff that would take way too long to speculate.

1 comment:

  1. 2005? I was ten. That was like 3 years before I even knew BMX existed. God damn.


Talk shit get hit