I wish I could've gotten an actual picture of this wallride, sooo huge from gutter to gutter!
He later took a spill on this same wallride, causing him to grow a third knee and leak a lot of blood from his hands and elbows
Evidently the police don't want us riding at Advanced Auto Parts anymore, we haven't had a complaint from any of the employees in about 3 years but this one cop said that they called and talked to them about people "chewing up" the side of dock even though it's been like that for about as long as I can remember. I'm sure people will continue to ride that place, it just sucks seeing another great riding spot shut down by some toolbags in Hammonton.
The intro for the DVD is all written out and ready to go. Emory and I have to work out a day to get this bad boy done, so suped to be workin with that guy.
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