Monday, December 10, 2012

So much

Bunch of big stuff going on at Piney BMX HQ so I havent had time to really update the ol' blogspot.  So here are 3 videos you should watch while waiting for an "exciting" read coming in a few days.

First is a video from Rick Whitehead and his band Chingada.  Features a bunch of cool riding and the music is on point.

Next is a short vid featuring our buddy Paul Jaskulski riding Williamstown.  Definitely the most tricks you'll ever see in a Piney video so click play and enjoy!

Paul Jaskulski at Williamstown from Piney BMX Apparel on Vimeo.

Finally a little Scrap clip part of my own.  Just a bunch of clips that won't wind up fitting into my DVD part.  Still kinda cool I think.