Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Web Junts

Brandon Bunting just got surgery on his shoulder. He won't be able to ride for a few weeks, so he decided to throw together this little edit of a bunch of the clips he gathered this summer. Features Shaun Thompson, Brandon Bunting, Matt Mazzone, Mike Ware, Josh Vodopija, Joe North, Josh Ross and Thomas Nguyen.

You may also be interested in this. I finally got around to uploading the Mullica skatepark section and Billy Brown's part from the Piney DVD. Only the end credits are left to be uploaded. Pretty soon, I'll post a link with all the sections in order so everybody in the world of facebook can finally watch and enjoy.

Monday, August 8, 2011


It's been so long since the last post on here.

Our friends at Innocent Bystander are having a DVD Premiere over at the Boneyard in A.C, if you can't make it out there you should definitely buy a copy of the video as soon as possible. They're a bunch of a great guys and they rip it extremely hard, you won't want to miss this video.

Back on the Piney BMX home front. I have no clue who's going to have full sections but I know you can expect big things from Luke G-kow, Shaun Thompson and Matt Gettings. I'm real pumped to start filmin with Gary D and Goggles because you know those cats can produce. A couple people are on the DL but should be ready to ride by 2012 which is plenty of time to get on the shred. The young shredder Brandon Ford is now on board and started filming with a banger at James Kurtyka's house. It's good to see the young guys starting to kill it. It'd be realy great to get clips with some old friends like Louis K and Nick Capaldi, hopefully those guys read this and can find a way to make it out soon!

As of right now the deadline for the DVD is June 2013, just in time for Billy Brown, Luke Gajtkowski and Josh Vodopija to graduate Butt Pirate school.

Sorry for the lack of detail on everything. Life is busy, but autumn will be here before you know it and shredding will be in full effect. Flannel shirts and late night Stockton sessions sound real good right now.
Take it easy everybody, get a hold of me if you're tryin to shred and get some clips for this video. I'm down to film just about anyone!