Sunday, January 30, 2011
Fuckin Burnsssssssssssssssssssss
If this doesn't make you want to get Anthem II you're a piece of shit
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Do you like Luke Gajtkowski?
How about very small underpants?
If you said yes to one or both of these then you'll love this video!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Mike Ware Monthly..
Once a month I'll be droppin a web video. Kinda like "Tuesdays with Miles" except it's "A Mike Ware Monthly" like your old ladies period...but better!
Anybody who gets clips will get in the videos, I'm not limiting it to just the Piney/Stereotyped guys. I know I'm not like very well known for putting videos together but I'd like to begin to branch out to other riders as well.
The first video is due out around the end of February. I've been filmin with a few guys over the past two weeks or so and a lot of good stuff has gone down, I'm hoping to have at least 12 different riders in the video just to mix things up. So if you're reading this and you shred and you're down to get some clips for this little web video, let me know with a message on here.
Monday, January 17, 2011
It's Doneeeeeeeee
If you haven't already read it on facebook, the video is completely done! Walt is currently making copies in his basement that will be for sale for $5. You're practically losing money if you don't buy this video! DVD's will be available for purchase at the premiere at my house this Saturday! That's the 22nd for those of you who don't know. Come on out, it should be a good time weather permitting. Definite bon fire and soda pop sesh at night. There will be more details with times and all that stuff soon.
Thanks to everybody who is involved with the video in anyway. Couldn't have done it without ya!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Mostly Max
Everyone's favorite Columbian, J.Z Ortiz put this video together of Max and Luke riding for one day at one spot in Hammonton. It's a nice little day edit. Max seems to be getting pretty dialed on the freecoaster and Luke has some nice wallrides in there for sure.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
As you can see I added BMXBUNTING to the links section of the site. That would be Brandon Bunting's youtube account if you couldn't pick that up..
I just got a new camera and I'm hoping to be able to put out a new web video at least once a month and since Brandon gets like 2 million views per video he's letting me post em up on his account so they can actually get some recognition. Warmer weather will be here before you know it so everybody better be riding because the pressure's off baby. DVD's done so I'm thinking about doing what Piney BMX was originally going to be, a monthly video showing everybody's progression over time. Plus it would be nice to re-film a couple of the clips that got lost during the filming of the DVD.
Let me know if you're down to rack up some clips.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Death Star is Near Completion

In the spirit of the Piney video being near finished today we will feature Mike Ware, the brains behind it all. The video has been underway for roughly about two years now, and Mikes been pushing through it despite multiple hassles and bouts of shit luck, particularly through the last year of filming and through editing but has kept a level head through it and didn't quit. Besides for putting together the whole thing he has a full section, and anybody who has put together a video knows that its not easy to film a full part for yourself while filming a full length dvd, so my hat is off to him. I've conducted an interview with him for your reading pleasure, so without further hesitation here is one of my favorite riders, closest friends, and an all around good dude, Mike Ware.

We just finished up the intro with Emdog and now I'm waiting on a day when Walt and I are both free to put everything on an actual disc and then we're done.
How does it feel to be at the end of your first full length DVD?
I definitely feel accomplished. The easiest part was the actual filming and riding. What sucked was taking all of those clips and turning them into a 3 and a half minute section that everybody is stoked to watch.
From what I understand there have been a lot of obstacles in this particular project, care to elaborate?
Well we went through 3 cameras, lost about 4 tapes all together, then the tapes we had we couldn't even capture to any computer for some reason that is beyond my understanding, then the tapes that i did capture were horrible quality, now my computer can't handle rendering an HD file so I had to edit the beginning of the video at Walter's house, and NOW Walter and I can't get a day that we are both completely free to finish everything up.
That sounds like a horrible nightmare, God bless your soul, but surely there must have been some good times. Do you have any good stories to share from the making of the video?
Too many good times, I'd have to say most of my favorite memories happened at the Mullica skatepark. "Intimidating" Jimbo Wyld and going to town meetings to try to get them to keep the park were pretty good ones.
Do you know what dog food smells like?
It tastes just like it smells..Delicious
How big of a role does Emory Siplingini play in this film?
Without Emory there would be no Piney BMX (editors note: this is sarcasm...i think)

What does the future hold for Mike Ware the bike shredder, for Piney BMX, and for Mike Ware the filmmaker?
Right now I'm filming with Brandon Bunting for what should be a pretty radical web video and yesterday I got my first clip for the latest Matt Gettings feature film, so hopefully that will keep me pretty busy for a while. I plan on going to film school this September so hopefully I'll be able to actually do something with videos and editing. Also every few weeks I'll be putting out a little web video, kinda like what Piney BMX was originally going to be. I just finished my first one today.
What should viewers be on the lookout for in this video?
Well I'm pretty stoked on everybody's sections I'm not going to lie. Brandon Bunting threw down a good bit in a pretty short amount of time, Shaun Superman Thompson has some really good clips towards the end of a mixed section. You can't forget Nick Capaldi either, he's definitely one of the better riders I know in general and he definitely makes most things look pretty easy, plus his banger is pretty fuckin ill.
It all starts with John Griffin and Nick Hagaman, without them I would probably be playing football or something gay like that, Gettings for sure, you've always taken me places and taught me subtle things that go a long with in riding and life in general, All the Nesco kids keeping riding alive and Denny at Shred Shack for the hookups on the dope parts.

Don't take riding too serious, just have fun with it. People that do take riding too serious are tools, don't be a tool haha.
Well on behalf of everyone everywhere thanks for your time and working hard to make this dvd happen.

Monday, January 10, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The video will officially be finished by 9 tomorrow night. Walt and I will be working on putting it onto DVD's sometime this week and then the premiere!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Louis K vid
Matt Gettings, Brandon Bunting, Louis Kerekes, Billy Brown and I all went over to Black Diamond in Philly. Louis got a couple nice clips towards the end of the session. Everybody did some real nice stuff, I don't where the clips are going to wind up but we got em haha.
Enjoy some fresh Louis Kerekes footage via Brandon Bunting.
If you aren't already, go to Brandon's youtube account and subscribe to that bad boy.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Nearly Finished
I finished all the sections of the video up about 30 seconds ago. The only things left to do are get in a day with Emdog, and then put the sections on a DVD. I don't really have an idea of when it will be completely done because I've never done DVD authoring before but I'm thinking sometime in the next 2 weeks or so.
I'm relieved to say this is the last big project I'm putting together for a while. I really hope everyone is amped on their parts, I did what I could with what I had. All of the clips off of the tapes look super shitty but I rendered and rendered and rendered until it looked decent enough. I'd like to thank everybody for filming with me over the past two and a half years and putting up with all of the unfortunate shit that has happened over that same period of time.
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