Kev Little is niceeeeeee
Saturday, December 10, 2011
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Our Woodpushin homie
Steve Carty dropped this new edit today, filming's sick and the skating is on point as usual!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Was that a Big Foot?
Filmed by Matt Gettings and Emory Sillipigni
Riding and Editing by Mike Ware
Web Store coming soon!!!
Thanks Matt Gettings, Billy Brown, Brandon Ford and Emory Sillipigni for tagging along on this journey!
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Last week I was lucky enough to get to join Mike S, his girlfriend Jaimie, and his family on a trip down to Louisville, Kentucky. The sole purpose of the trip was a lawn mower expo (Mike's family owns a mower repair shop, get at them for your lawn mower needs!) but we also got to get some riding in on two of the days we were down there. Found some pretty amazing spots, got to see a free Charlie Daniels concert, experience crazies on the streets, and just have an overall good time. Didn't get a lot of photos there's always video stills. Big thanks to Mike and his family for bringing me along.

It's not video from the same show, but close enough
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
goings onszsz
Gettings and I printed up some Piney BMX shirts last week. We have small through extra large. Black, White, and Grey. Get yours while supplies last sucka! Definitely getting some hoodies made for the winter months so you can rep the brand hard while shoveling snow or hopefully shreddin an indoor skate park in Atlantic City!
To get our name out there a little more, I'll be in Nesco today filming for an upcoming Piney BMX Apparel commercial. All are welcomed to come out and help or just hang around! Notice: There may or may not be a giant big foot running around Nesco.
ALSO: The IB! video is now available on DVD. Definitely buy that bad boy because it's so sick. J.D threw down some ridiculous shit as well did all of the other riders and Rick did an amazing job putting it together! I've got my copy coming in the mail right now. Support local brands!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Skate Park Petition
The purpose of this petition is to garner support for funding of construction of a full sized indoor skatepark facility in Atlantic City, NJ that would be accessible and enjoyable for both skateboarding and freestyle BMX riding. Until very recently, and often unfortunately spurred by a tragedy, even an outdoor skatepark was inaccessible to many residents of Atlantic and Cape May counties without having to drive to thirty minutes to over an hour each direction. Over the last ten years several small outdoor skateparks were constructed in municipalites such as Ocean City, Galloway Township, Mays Landing, Mullica, and Stafford Township. Unfortunately many of those parks are now either closed (Stafford and Mullica), have fallen into disrepair (Barnegate and Patmos in Mays Landing), do not allow BMX (Sea Isle, Galloway, and Ocean City) or will soon become unrideable because of the weather (Goshen Rd in Cape May Courthouse). As many participants of skateboarding and BMX will tell you that there is no set season for riding. Many of us are out day in and day out riding whatever is accessible to us within the confines of the law and to be off of our bikes or skateboards is equivalent to having teeth pulled.
The addition of an indoor skatepark would be a boon to Atlantic City in a few key ways. The first way would be that a skatepark provides an a place for the young people within the city and surrounding area. Next the skatepark becomes an addition to the city as a destination within the respective BMX and skateboarding communities. These two things combine to add another layer to the local economy along with the casinos, the beach, the outlet stores, and the boardwalk.
This is an initial show of support as well as an opportunity for the skate and bike community in South Jersey to carve out a legitimate place for ourselves in the heart of the area.
The addition of an indoor skatepark would be a boon to Atlantic City in a few key ways. The first way would be that a skatepark provides an a place for the young people within the city and surrounding area. Next the skatepark becomes an addition to the city as a destination within the respective BMX and skateboarding communities. These two things combine to add another layer to the local economy along with the casinos, the beach, the outlet stores, and the boardwalk.
This is an initial show of support as well as an opportunity for the skate and bike community in South Jersey to carve out a legitimate place for ourselves in the heart of the area.
Friday, September 30, 2011
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
"Additionally, to all Banned supporters up North, here is some information on Gary Dimartine’s memorial:
“A viewing will be held on Wednesday, September 28th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at Wimberg Funeral Home 211 E. Great Creek Road, Galloway 609-641-0001. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Thursday, September 29th at Church of Assumption in Galloway at 10:00 AM, interment will immediately follow at Germania Cemetery in Galloway. For condolences or directions, please visit”
“A viewing will be held on Wednesday, September 28th from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at Wimberg Funeral Home 211 E. Great Creek Road, Galloway 609-641-0001. A Mass of Christian Burial will be held on Thursday, September 29th at Church of Assumption in Galloway at 10:00 AM, interment will immediately follow at Germania Cemetery in Galloway. For condolences or directions, please visit”
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Rest in peace brothers

You may or may not have heard but Gary Dimartine and Ricky Bates died in a car accident last night. I didnt know Ricky but I've known Gary for at least the past 6 years of my life and if you knew him you know that he was an awesome dude and a sick rider. Some of the things I do every time I ride a bike I learned from watching Gary ride. Its all still really hard to believe and I don't have a lot to say right now but I love you dude and I'm glad to have known you. You were one of my favorite people and favorite riders Rest in peace Gary were all gonna miss you big time homie.

A few words on Gary D
I first met Gary D when I was 14 years old. Matt Gettings convinced me to go to Philly for the first time. I wont lie, I was fucking terrified. He told us we were meeting up with this dude named Gary who lived out there, which made me even more nervous. As a white 14 year old from the Pinelands, I figured anyone living in Philadelphia was a raping, stabbing, murderer. We arrived at the train station and there was this lanky ass dude with a goofy mustache. It was Gary. He shook all of our hands and introduced himself. He was awesome enough to take us back to his apartment so we could watch the Fitlife video on Google and get pumped to ride.

We started shredding and I have never to this day seen someone do gaps and hops that seemed so impossible. After watching him shred all day I wanted to do something big. I was going to 180 a 7 or 8 stair but decided to hop it first. I looped out, got wrecked and began bleeding, a lot. We immediately went back to his place and he cleaned me up and hooked me up with some bandages.
A year or two passed since I rode with Gary again. We wound up riding EHC of all places. I didn't think there would be much shredding going on but Gary was able to yet again blow my mind. He walked right up to some lady's house, looked at the handrail in her front yard and without any run ups at all, Iced that bitch. He dominated St. Nick's and everything else we went to.
Then he moved down to Florida, I didn't hear to much from him until Banned BMX started getting somewhat popular. I noticed my old pal Gary in a couple of web videos. I was completely stoked to see someone I knew in some legitimate videos.

The summer of 2011 came along and Gary was back in Jersey for the Summer. I remember we rode Cape May and Northfield. We were fucking around on some railroad tracks seeing how long we could do a rail ride, when I asked if he'd be down to get some clips for the Piney BMX DVD. He was completely for it and we were both stoked. A few sessions here a few sessions there, some skateparks some weak street, Gary D filmed no bullshit! One day we rode Somers Point with Sean Guest and Jerm Kaufman, after talking about Transvestites for a good hour we tried to arrange an Atlatnic City trip.
We rode Atlantic City just over 3 weeks ago. Gary came out with fire, stacking 6 bangers for the Piney DVD. I was just expecting him to get 4 or 5 clips for the friends section, but after that day he said "Fuck, I might as well film a whole section"
The last time I spoke to Gary D was at Shred Shack, we were seshing the rails on the flat pad. He asked if I was going to the IB! video premiere in AC. I told him I was too young, but he said "Nah dude, Fuck it I'll get you in!" I really wish, I went to the AC premiere because now I will never have the HONOR of hanging out with one of the best dudes I've ever met.
Gary D was a huge part of our riding scene whether you were lucky enough to know him or not. I'll miss that dude more than words can describe and I know I'll be doing some roof drops in his honor. As I tear up finishing off this post, I just have to say that Gary D became one of my closest friends in the past few months and will always be a Piney and will always be in our thoughts and hearts. He now gets to do railhops and roof drops in peace. Much love Gary!

We started shredding and I have never to this day seen someone do gaps and hops that seemed so impossible. After watching him shred all day I wanted to do something big. I was going to 180 a 7 or 8 stair but decided to hop it first. I looped out, got wrecked and began bleeding, a lot. We immediately went back to his place and he cleaned me up and hooked me up with some bandages.
A year or two passed since I rode with Gary again. We wound up riding EHC of all places. I didn't think there would be much shredding going on but Gary was able to yet again blow my mind. He walked right up to some lady's house, looked at the handrail in her front yard and without any run ups at all, Iced that bitch. He dominated St. Nick's and everything else we went to.
Then he moved down to Florida, I didn't hear to much from him until Banned BMX started getting somewhat popular. I noticed my old pal Gary in a couple of web videos. I was completely stoked to see someone I knew in some legitimate videos.

The summer of 2011 came along and Gary was back in Jersey for the Summer. I remember we rode Cape May and Northfield. We were fucking around on some railroad tracks seeing how long we could do a rail ride, when I asked if he'd be down to get some clips for the Piney BMX DVD. He was completely for it and we were both stoked. A few sessions here a few sessions there, some skateparks some weak street, Gary D filmed no bullshit! One day we rode Somers Point with Sean Guest and Jerm Kaufman, after talking about Transvestites for a good hour we tried to arrange an Atlatnic City trip.
We rode Atlantic City just over 3 weeks ago. Gary came out with fire, stacking 6 bangers for the Piney DVD. I was just expecting him to get 4 or 5 clips for the friends section, but after that day he said "Fuck, I might as well film a whole section"
The last time I spoke to Gary D was at Shred Shack, we were seshing the rails on the flat pad. He asked if I was going to the IB! video premiere in AC. I told him I was too young, but he said "Nah dude, Fuck it I'll get you in!" I really wish, I went to the AC premiere because now I will never have the HONOR of hanging out with one of the best dudes I've ever met.
Gary D was a huge part of our riding scene whether you were lucky enough to know him or not. I'll miss that dude more than words can describe and I know I'll be doing some roof drops in his honor. As I tear up finishing off this post, I just have to say that Gary D became one of my closest friends in the past few months and will always be a Piney and will always be in our thoughts and hearts. He now gets to do railhops and roof drops in peace. Much love Gary!

Sunday, September 11, 2011
Saturday, September 10, 2011
(Any requests requests and suggestions on colors and sizes are also welcomed)
Thursday, September 8, 2011
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Web Junts
Brandon Bunting just got surgery on his shoulder. He won't be able to ride for a few weeks, so he decided to throw together this little edit of a bunch of the clips he gathered this summer. Features Shaun Thompson, Brandon Bunting, Matt Mazzone, Mike Ware, Josh Vodopija, Joe North, Josh Ross and Thomas Nguyen.
You may also be interested in this. I finally got around to uploading the Mullica skatepark section and Billy Brown's part from the Piney DVD. Only the end credits are left to be uploaded. Pretty soon, I'll post a link with all the sections in order so everybody in the world of facebook can finally watch and enjoy.
Monday, August 8, 2011
It's been so long since the last post on here.
Our friends at Innocent Bystander are having a DVD Premiere over at the Boneyard in A.C, if you can't make it out there you should definitely buy a copy of the video as soon as possible. They're a bunch of a great guys and they rip it extremely hard, you won't want to miss this video.
Back on the Piney BMX home front. I have no clue who's going to have full sections but I know you can expect big things from Luke G-kow, Shaun Thompson and Matt Gettings. I'm real pumped to start filmin with Gary D and Goggles because you know those cats can produce. A couple people are on the DL but should be ready to ride by 2012 which is plenty of time to get on the shred. The young shredder Brandon Ford is now on board and started filming with a banger at James Kurtyka's house. It's good to see the young guys starting to kill it. It'd be realy great to get clips with some old friends like Louis K and Nick Capaldi, hopefully those guys read this and can find a way to make it out soon!
As of right now the deadline for the DVD is June 2013, just in time for Billy Brown, Luke Gajtkowski and Josh Vodopija to graduate Butt Pirate school.
Sorry for the lack of detail on everything. Life is busy, but autumn will be here before you know it and shredding will be in full effect. Flannel shirts and late night Stockton sessions sound real good right now.
Take it easy everybody, get a hold of me if you're tryin to shred and get some clips for this video. I'm down to film just about anyone!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Where mah bmxers at?
Wheres everybody been? Haven't seen much of anybody lately, especially out of piney bmx people, get out there and shreddd!
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
After a lot of thought..
I've decided that I couldn't resist filming another DVD. There are a lot of shred shack projects going on right now but as soon as they are finished up I'm going to put the focus back on Piney BMX!!! I've been watching a ton of the IB! videos on vimeo and it just made me want to put put out at least one more project that I can really be stoked on. Filming started yesterday with Matt Gettings, Luke Gajtkowski, Erik Sammartino, Sean Guest and myself. The first day went extremely well! I hope everybody who got clips for the first DVD will be down to throw down some more stuff but no promises will be made. A bunch of guys have definitely stepped their game up since filming ended for the first video so I'm pretty pumped to film some real good stuff with them. There is no real direction for the video since we're so early in the whole process of things but I'm hoping the final result will be something everyone can enjoy
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Like your old lady's period..but better
Due to so many other projects going on I've decided that I'm going to steer my focus away from the Piney BMX blog. Although Piney BMX will always be in my blood, it's just too hard to work on anything for it. Dennis just got the web store hooked up and we're expecting huge things from that. I'll be working on a ton of Shred Shack projects with Dennis and Matt Mazzone. Also Matt Mazzone is starting to film for his DVD for Stereotyped BMX. A bunch of the Piney guys will have clips in it and you'll even be able to see what they're doing unlike the Piney DVD #lol.
As far as the blog goes I'd like to update it like once a month or so just to keep it alive but as far as any more Piney BMX projects, don't expect them any time soon.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
Sorry to anybody still checkin the Piney Blog. I've been busy with studying for finals, maintaining the shred shack blog and having an abnormally large testicle. I am going to try to keep the Piney BMX blog going and we'll definitely throw out a few more Piney videos, but I'm really concentrating on the Shred Shack thing right now. Here are a few videos from the shredshacksoldiers account. Go subscribe if you have an account!
This is the spring break video that started out ridiculously great, then died down, then got heavy again on the last day. Luke G stole the show with his gnarly wallrides!
Matt Mazzone just got a new camera and here is the first test video. It looks very very nice and I can't wait to start filming with him for his DVD.
and finally Matt threw this one together a little while ago. A lot of clips from Galloway and whatnot, features some Goggles and Stockton Joe Clips as well. Really good watch!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Is this how you spell recipe?
Well you take being a Piney, and then throw in bmx, how can you go wrong with that?
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Bad Timing!
They're back! I used to watch the Bad Timing videos before I went riding every day and I'm looking forward to doing that again in the future! This is a ridiculous web video they dropped last night featuring Darryl Tocco, Brett Tocco, Tony Hamlin, Geoff Slattery, and Aaron Smith.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Piney BMX DVD Section
Joe North, Matt Marrero, Goggles, Matt Mazzone and Brandong Bunting. They go in.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Some kids on bikes
Mad Money Matt Mazzone put this gem together. Features him, Goggles, Stockton Joe and Josh Vodopija. Watch. Enjoy
Monday, April 4, 2011
Filming for the April web video has started. Guys seem to be going all out for some reason.. Today a sick Mays Landing session went down with Jerm Kaufman, Billy Brown, Sexy Steve, Shaun Thompson and myself. Jerm stole the show with all the rail killin he did and his bails were extra ridiculous. Check it.
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Home Boii Stephen Carty shreddin it pretty hard on the skateboard. Some pretty masterful song writing I'd say. Stephen also shreds it pretty hard on bmx bikes too. He'll have some clips in the April web video fa show..
Wowzers I forgot to post this video... Just a bunch of clips I had in a hidden folder that never found their way into the DVD. I miss Mullica park...:'(
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Gettings Unit
My personal favorite section of the Piney DVD. Matt Gettings come through with some real nice clips. He also just turned 22, so happy late birthday Gettings. Good luck with the next DVD haha!
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
I saw this video floating around facebook today, so I figured I'd throw it up here. It features a bunch of younger dudes that seem to be shreddin pretty hard. Brian Rosario and Little Matt are the only two guys I personally know, the kid Keith edited it I believe. All around good job from these guys and I'm sure we'll be seeing more from them in the future
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
March Madness
Spring break video coming in April? Until then enjoy this...
Features: Shaun Thompson, Kyle Smith, Luke Gajtkowski, Billy Brown, Josh Vodopija, Brandon Bunting, myself (Mike Ware), Gio Reyes, Louis Kerekes, Matt Gettings, Stephen Carty, Brian Rosario and Jeremy Kaufman
Monday, March 21, 2011
Friday, March 18, 2011
Check it...
Here we have the 2nd section of the Piney BMX DVD. It features Kevin McGloin, Mike Staveckas and Josh Vodopija. Unfortunately these guys didn't gather enough clips for a full part, but this turned out to be really good itself. Josh has a pretty ill banger, not gonna lie.
For future reference, all the uploaded sections can be found here.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Nick Capaldi's Section from the Piney DVD
uploading in no particular order...
You may have noticed the new link on the side that says Piney BMX DVD. You can click that and all the uploaded sections will come up in the correct order. Next up will probably be the Joe/Matt/Goggles/Brandon section, but who knows? Not even I do...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Friday, March 4, 2011
So it begins....
The sports seasons have finally rolled around and it looks like Nick Capaldi, Brandon Bunting and Matt Mazzone won't be able to ride as much. Damn you Oakcrest, damn you to hell!
But anyway...
I'm starting to post up sections from the Piney DVD, since there is so much filming for other stuff going on. I still have copies for sale for $5, just hit me (Mike) up whenever and I'll get you a copy.
Here we have the first riding section, featuring Louis Kerekes. Louis has been riding for a long time and still makes everything look buttery smooth.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Tee shirts
This is the roughest of the rough sketches but basically this is what the design on the tee shirts will be. I have a few options of who will be throwing the shirts together but this is all the detail I'll have for a little while. Prices will be posted up soon. Check back here every night to see what's going on with the shirts.
Thursday, February 24, 2011
I need to get back on the ball with this whole Blog thing...
The first of many monthly web videos. This is a mixer of clips gathered from January 25th to February 24th. It features Shaun Thompson, Kirk McDermott, Myself (Mike Ware), Brandon Bunting, Matt Mazzone, Matt Gettings, Luke Gajtkowski, Josh Vodopija and Kyle Smith. (sorry to anybody that I may have left out)
I have a feeling that I'm going to take a much lazier approach to the March video. I'm not going to say too much, not that anybody is really anticipating these web videos. Anybody that is down to throw down a clip or two is more than welcome, nobody is expecting a monthly web video full of hammers. We actually just got a clip with Gio Reyes from Ed's bike shop Pro Team. Dude shreds real hard and is definitely a good kid.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video!
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Haven't posted in a while
Here's a bunch of clips Matt Mazzone gathered over the long cold winter
Since there is snow on the ground I'll throw up something else that's nice to look at while you aren't riding. Kevin Little puttin in some serious work. Unfortunately last weekend he broke his a bunch of his toes at OC skatepark so he probably won't be riding for a while. This vid shows that the dude is on a completely different level. Get well soon!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Luke G smash!
God damn Premium parts
This may not be news to a lot of you but my friend Paul Martin, also known to many as Paul with the babies. Is now Paul with the 3 babies. Congrats to him on his 3rd offspring!
Speaking of families...
Here's Luke G in 2006..
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Gettings. Louis, and Goggles got a session in at Brigantine skatepark and wound up making a day edit of it.
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
If you can't laugh at yourself...
If you have rode with me for about 35 seconds you know I enjoy me a good manual 180. I have come to terms with the fact that I don't do too many tricks outside of things pertaining manuals and 180's and that's alright with me. Over the past two years while filming for the Piney DVD I did a lot of manual 180's. Here is every single one of the clips featuring manual 180s/manny 180 like tricks. The edit is basically a shot at myself.
Thanks Aaron Robinson for the support brah! One day I'll be able to take bmx as serious as you, and maybe I'll get my nose pierced too!
Here's one Luke put together. It features Shaun Thompson, Luke himself and me (Mike Ware) with a sick introduction clip from the lovely Rob-Rob. Filmed in about an hour at Advanced Auto Parts. There will hopefully be more videos from Luke to enjoy.
The song is Boot to the Moon by Reggie and The Full Effect, in case you were wondering.
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Big Fuckin Marc
I can't help but think of the classic StepBrothers scene where Dale jams out Por Ti Volare and his dad screams "Rock the Fuck outta those drums!!"
While we're on the topic of music, you may be suped once you check out this link
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Shit's Nice
Here's a little something for you to enjoy. What I considered the best clips from the Piney DVD. I would have liked for the video to feature a few more clips but I wasn't going to turn this into a two song adventure. Sorry if not all of your clips are in the video, but I definitely put a lot of effort into making a somewhat legitimate web video. Enjoy!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Fuckin Burnsssssssssssssssssssss
If this doesn't make you want to get Anthem II you're a piece of shit
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Do you like Luke Gajtkowski?
How about very small underpants?
If you said yes to one or both of these then you'll love this video!
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Mike Ware Monthly..
Once a month I'll be droppin a web video. Kinda like "Tuesdays with Miles" except it's "A Mike Ware Monthly" like your old ladies period...but better!
Anybody who gets clips will get in the videos, I'm not limiting it to just the Piney/Stereotyped guys. I know I'm not like very well known for putting videos together but I'd like to begin to branch out to other riders as well.
The first video is due out around the end of February. I've been filmin with a few guys over the past two weeks or so and a lot of good stuff has gone down, I'm hoping to have at least 12 different riders in the video just to mix things up. So if you're reading this and you shred and you're down to get some clips for this little web video, let me know with a message on here.
Monday, January 17, 2011
It's Doneeeeeeeee
If you haven't already read it on facebook, the video is completely done! Walt is currently making copies in his basement that will be for sale for $5. You're practically losing money if you don't buy this video! DVD's will be available for purchase at the premiere at my house this Saturday! That's the 22nd for those of you who don't know. Come on out, it should be a good time weather permitting. Definite bon fire and soda pop sesh at night. There will be more details with times and all that stuff soon.
Thanks to everybody who is involved with the video in anyway. Couldn't have done it without ya!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Mostly Max
Everyone's favorite Columbian, J.Z Ortiz put this video together of Max and Luke riding for one day at one spot in Hammonton. It's a nice little day edit. Max seems to be getting pretty dialed on the freecoaster and Luke has some nice wallrides in there for sure.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
As you can see I added BMXBUNTING to the links section of the site. That would be Brandon Bunting's youtube account if you couldn't pick that up..
I just got a new camera and I'm hoping to be able to put out a new web video at least once a month and since Brandon gets like 2 million views per video he's letting me post em up on his account so they can actually get some recognition. Warmer weather will be here before you know it so everybody better be riding because the pressure's off baby. DVD's done so I'm thinking about doing what Piney BMX was originally going to be, a monthly video showing everybody's progression over time. Plus it would be nice to re-film a couple of the clips that got lost during the filming of the DVD.
Let me know if you're down to rack up some clips.
Thursday, January 13, 2011
The Death Star is Near Completion

In the spirit of the Piney video being near finished today we will feature Mike Ware, the brains behind it all. The video has been underway for roughly about two years now, and Mikes been pushing through it despite multiple hassles and bouts of shit luck, particularly through the last year of filming and through editing but has kept a level head through it and didn't quit. Besides for putting together the whole thing he has a full section, and anybody who has put together a video knows that its not easy to film a full part for yourself while filming a full length dvd, so my hat is off to him. I've conducted an interview with him for your reading pleasure, so without further hesitation here is one of my favorite riders, closest friends, and an all around good dude, Mike Ware.

We just finished up the intro with Emdog and now I'm waiting on a day when Walt and I are both free to put everything on an actual disc and then we're done.
How does it feel to be at the end of your first full length DVD?
I definitely feel accomplished. The easiest part was the actual filming and riding. What sucked was taking all of those clips and turning them into a 3 and a half minute section that everybody is stoked to watch.
From what I understand there have been a lot of obstacles in this particular project, care to elaborate?
Well we went through 3 cameras, lost about 4 tapes all together, then the tapes we had we couldn't even capture to any computer for some reason that is beyond my understanding, then the tapes that i did capture were horrible quality, now my computer can't handle rendering an HD file so I had to edit the beginning of the video at Walter's house, and NOW Walter and I can't get a day that we are both completely free to finish everything up.
That sounds like a horrible nightmare, God bless your soul, but surely there must have been some good times. Do you have any good stories to share from the making of the video?
Too many good times, I'd have to say most of my favorite memories happened at the Mullica skatepark. "Intimidating" Jimbo Wyld and going to town meetings to try to get them to keep the park were pretty good ones.
Do you know what dog food smells like?
It tastes just like it smells..Delicious
How big of a role does Emory Siplingini play in this film?
Without Emory there would be no Piney BMX (editors note: this is sarcasm...i think)

What does the future hold for Mike Ware the bike shredder, for Piney BMX, and for Mike Ware the filmmaker?
Right now I'm filming with Brandon Bunting for what should be a pretty radical web video and yesterday I got my first clip for the latest Matt Gettings feature film, so hopefully that will keep me pretty busy for a while. I plan on going to film school this September so hopefully I'll be able to actually do something with videos and editing. Also every few weeks I'll be putting out a little web video, kinda like what Piney BMX was originally going to be. I just finished my first one today.
What should viewers be on the lookout for in this video?
Well I'm pretty stoked on everybody's sections I'm not going to lie. Brandon Bunting threw down a good bit in a pretty short amount of time, Shaun Superman Thompson has some really good clips towards the end of a mixed section. You can't forget Nick Capaldi either, he's definitely one of the better riders I know in general and he definitely makes most things look pretty easy, plus his banger is pretty fuckin ill.
It all starts with John Griffin and Nick Hagaman, without them I would probably be playing football or something gay like that, Gettings for sure, you've always taken me places and taught me subtle things that go a long with in riding and life in general, All the Nesco kids keeping riding alive and Denny at Shred Shack for the hookups on the dope parts.

Don't take riding too serious, just have fun with it. People that do take riding too serious are tools, don't be a tool haha.
Well on behalf of everyone everywhere thanks for your time and working hard to make this dvd happen.

Monday, January 10, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
The video will officially be finished by 9 tomorrow night. Walt and I will be working on putting it onto DVD's sometime this week and then the premiere!
Monday, January 3, 2011
Louis K vid
Matt Gettings, Brandon Bunting, Louis Kerekes, Billy Brown and I all went over to Black Diamond in Philly. Louis got a couple nice clips towards the end of the session. Everybody did some real nice stuff, I don't where the clips are going to wind up but we got em haha.
Enjoy some fresh Louis Kerekes footage via Brandon Bunting.
If you aren't already, go to Brandon's youtube account and subscribe to that bad boy.
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Nearly Finished
I finished all the sections of the video up about 30 seconds ago. The only things left to do are get in a day with Emdog, and then put the sections on a DVD. I don't really have an idea of when it will be completely done because I've never done DVD authoring before but I'm thinking sometime in the next 2 weeks or so.
I'm relieved to say this is the last big project I'm putting together for a while. I really hope everyone is amped on their parts, I did what I could with what I had. All of the clips off of the tapes look super shitty but I rendered and rendered and rendered until it looked decent enough. I'd like to thank everybody for filming with me over the past two and a half years and putting up with all of the unfortunate shit that has happened over that same period of time.
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