Saturday, October 30, 2010


Joe took a spill
Mays Landing riders are going down like flies
This is not cool

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Treinta y quatro días de rodaje siguen siendo

A lot of frantic riding has been going down lately. 34 days until filming is shut down :(. Only Gettings and Billy have just about wrapped up their sections with the exception of a few more recent clips that would boot a few old clips out. I'm excited to see what Mike, Matt, and Louis got filmed up in NY and Northern Jersey. As optimistic as I am about this video I really don't think there are going to be too many full parts, I doubt this will take the integrity of the video away since it never had any to begin with but I'm sure a few of the guys will be bummed. I know Josh is about to get out more and start throwing down and I'm pretty excited about that because I love anything wreck te tech tech and he usually brings that to the table.
Some bad news on the split section, Matt Mazzone won't be able to ride too hard for a while due to illness and now he destroyed his ankle so wish him well when you get a chance. Luckily Joe has began to get some clips with us so there is still a possibility for a Stereotyped section ;).
I think I'm more stoked on the friends section since there are two big time shredders (amongst other very talented guys) down to let me use some clips they have picked up with Gettings or myself behind the lens.
Shaun's riding more and more now so hopefully he'll be able to clock a little bit more footage before the deadline. Injuries have really set things back a lot, but the deadline is pretty serious. I'm trying to get over this project and on to the next one. I'm pretty sure Gettings is trying to make a sweet South Jersey mix tape at some point after the DVD is out so bang out clips for the DVD then think of some more for that jawnsy jawn.
The Shred Shack website is up and running...kind's in it's real early stages.
ch-ch-check it out

I'm pretty sure these guys have no idea who we are but friend of Piney BMX Rob "Goggles" Peffer makes an appearance in this web video for PBBMX. I've been excited to see footage of that hop at Stockton for ages.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Mullica Jam video

Brandon put a few of the clips that went down at the latest Mullica jam into this nice little edit. I've never seen anybody do Goggle's banger in person. Big ups to Big Marc for helping film most of the clips while Brandon was hurt.

Straight Trippin!

This weekend Mike S, Louis, and myself did a weekend trip up to NYC and North Jersey. We dodged some traffic, talked to old ass ladies, watched some Notorious B.I.G, got a couple flat tires, and we somehow happened to run into Bob Scerbo and got to kick it with him for a little bit. Besides for being one of the sickest street riders of all time, hes a mad down to earth earth dude and was cool enough to take the time to show us a couple spots. The next day consisted of some skate park shreddin and more goofing off . It was a pretty great time, and hopefully more of such trips will ensue.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Monday, October 18, 2010

Riding with the old men

Sunday is Shred Shack day! The team meets out at the shop then we head over to some poor innocent skatepark, and then take it's innocence. Yesterday was Ocean City for the 2nd time. Steve Carty was throwin down some impressive skateboard maneuvers as was everyone else. Steve has stuck out the most in my eyes lately
(Yes I realize this is not Ocean City skate park)
After the park session Mazzone, Billy and I hit up a few stair sets. 2 crashes and one nice clip later we went back to Mays Landing where we met up with Mike Staveckas at Duberson. Eventually Gettings came out with Louis and they filmed a few things on the infamous Duberson 3 stair.

Sunday night went out with Mike Staveckas, Matt Gettings and Louis Kerekes to Egg Harbor City. Needless to say the old heads still got the moves. It's the first time I rode with Louis since the last Philly trip and right now he's sitting on a pretty sick clip at the Wachovia bank, he came close to pulling it a few times but the darkness got the better of him and he decided to call it a night after trying it at least 10 times. Mike got a few nice clips behind Incollingoes, it's awesome that he's racking up the clips now. I can't wait to start puttin his clips into the section I've started. I'm pretty sure Matt Gettings invented a trick last night, I know I've never seen it in all my years of riding or watching videos so we're both pretty stoked on that clip haha. I was peer pressured into doing a gap to double pegger at the Mcdonalds bike rack, I swear to god I only know 5 tricks.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

4 tapes and counting

The tapes are piling up next to my computer desk. I honestly don't remember half of the thing we've filmed over the past months but I know I was stoked on it when we recorded it so I don't see how that can change. Filming with a lot of different guys has gone down lately, Matt Mazzone, Max Loomus, and Joe North have been piling up clips which is super rad. Shaun Thompson was well on his way to getting a full section in the video but his foot decided to break so I think he's out for a few weeks which is a total bummer. I'm currently talking to a few more guys and seeing if they would like to get a few good clips for the DVD but I won't drop any names since nothing is set in stone.
There is a Black Diamond trip going down either Friday or Sunday. Don't go to school Friday and find a way out there because I doubt there will be anybody in there during regular school/work hours plus Sunday sessions suck anyway. Make sure you get a hold of either me or Gettings if you're trying to shred Friday.

Now for the Recap of recent shredding:

The Shred Shack team went out to Goshen skatepark last Sunday to clock some footage and pictures for the website. I took that opportunity to nab a few clips with our guys as well. Josh did a real nice line on the mini ramp (Go Figure) Billy Brown went real high up (Go Figure) Nick Capaldi did some nose tricks (Go Figure) I did a few manual 180's(Go Figure) Joe North spun off of something high (Go Figure) and Matt Mazzone got his intro to Brandon and his section.
Not too long after that a few dudes got together in Mays Landing to ride a little street. New things are STILL being done out there, Joe got himself a nice clip at the glass factory and Billy Brown did a surprisingly street line at St. V's.
Just the other day Mazzone and I went spot searching around English Creek, keeping it on the down low but he got himself 3 really nice clips out there. I'm going back there soon to hopefully pull a semi-decent clip.
Just today I hit up Hammonton with Max and Luke. Max did a few real nice wall rides and we tore up the new spot, there is also a brand new pole jam in Hammonton that I'm sure a lot of you guys could have a lot of fun with.

There are only 48 more days of filming left! Holy crap where does the time go? Make sure you get out and pull any clips you've been sitting on for a while, time to man up.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

To Whom It May Concern

I got a new camera, and I'm helping Mike with picking up on some filming. If anybody has anywhere that they are trying to get out to get some clips, then get a hold of one of us.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

When It Rains, It Doesn't Always Pour

Sometimes the most fun you'll ever have on a bike is riding with good friends on a flat slab of concrete. It forces you to get creative, it's fun, it's simple. Whats crazy about riding to me is the way it sucks you in, its constantly tugging at your shirt. When it rains it just makes you want to ride even more. Sometimes that makes you appreciate the next day of riding more then the last; sometimes you just ride anyway, even if it means finding a flat pad with a roof just because its the only dry spot to ride in a thirty mile radius. It reminds you why enjoy riding; its pure, its a good time, and that you don't have to ride, you just want to so bad that you will despite the rain. Sometimes thats better then riding even the best street spots, nicest park, or sickest set of trails. Last week Mike and I filmed one such occasion. Song is "It's Gonna Rain" by the Violent Femmes. Enjoy the video, enjoy bike riding.

Rain Makes My Brain Insane from Matt Gettings on Vimeo.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Jam tomorrow

I talked to a few guys about bringing some more set ups. I think Max is bringing his gear and I'm still trying to get a hold of Louis because he has some real good stuff too.

It will hopefully be a nice little event where a bunch of friends can hang out. I don't know the helmet law but jst in case bring a helmet for if 5-0 comes down, we aren't breaking any laws, it's no different then a bunch of dudes having a football game at the soccer field.

It starts at 12:30/1 o'clock, it would be cool if some guys would get out the early and help me set up.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Who'll stop the rain

The weather has been anything but great lately. The rain has put a halt to street riding all over which is a major bummer. A lot of digging has been going on at Dustin's which is always a great thing, Gettings even drove out the other day to lend a hand. If that isn't motivation to dig then I don't know what is, cause that is not a short drive from Mizpah to Nesco. The plan is to get the titanic set back up to 8 ft landings like it was way back in the day, I think they're at about 6 1/2 ft right now. That's like half an hours work if 3 guys would just go out there and lend a hand. Even if you have no plans of ever hitting the Titanic you should still put in a little work, because if you think about it Dustin doesn't have to let anybody back there, and he's being cool enough to let a bunch of guys back there. So after reading this, you should grab a shovel and go over to Dustin's dirt jumps and help out. There's a new set in the works that includes a 13ft gap speed jump. Unfortunately there is only one double, so get out there and start piling up dirt. It would be amazing to eventually have all of the sets connecting at some point with some gnarly hips and transfers, and it's all possible if you really want to work for it.

Also the Shred Shack in Mays Landing has a pretty set team now, it uncludes Brett Vitalie, Joe North, Victor Behm, Matt Mazzone, Brandon Bunting, Jeremy Kauffman, Billy Brown, myself, Josh Vodopija, Wigglesworth?(I can't remember that guys actual name my bad), and Stephen Carty for skating. I think there are a few more guys that didn't get out to the meeting yesterday like Shaun Thompson and Jesse Landicini who will also be on the team. Brandon and Matt Mazzone will be doing all the video stuff on a seperate "Shred Shack" vimeo account which I'll post a link too whenever it's up.
The shop tee's are pretty dope if I do say. They come in purple or black with sweet green lettering
. Photobucket
(Still with the cell phone pictures...really?)

Big thanks to Dennis for hookin everybody up, he's a good dude and his shop kicks major ass.

Shred Shack is located right next the Mays Landing Diner on rt. 40. I'm sure most of you have been to The Hub to pick up paintball equipment or some work boots, it's the same building. So if you're in need of some bike/skate/snowboard gear hit up The Shred Shack brooo.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan and Dylan

I will now be infecting the internet via the Piney blog and Workinmanshreds Sincerely,
Matt Gettings